Hey, I'm Pratilipi

Developer & Designer based in Bangalore, India
Training as a part of Target IgnitePlus Program


I'm currently in my third year (out of four) studying computer science and engineering at Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology.

I enjoy being the bridge between developing and designing, and feel right at home as a front end engineer. I'm self-learning to gain experience in developing and designing products for the web, from simple landing pages to full-fledged web applications.

I'm currently looking for an internship (from July 2020 to March 2021) before I graduate in 2021!


Languages:  JavaScript (ES6), HTML5, CSS3, Java, Python, C++
Libraries & Frameworks:  React, Bootstrap, Node, Springboot, MySQL, Cassandra, Express, Flutter
Tools:  Git & Github, Command Line, Postman, Figma, Android Studio


Major: Computer Science and Engineering
Expected Graduation: May 2021


Target Corporation India
February 2020 — Present
Training in Software Development
  • Build a Cricket Tournament Management web application using React, Node, RESTful API to provide all necessary features for any user
  • Trained in latest technologies like React, Node, Springboot, UX/UI and Software Engineering lifecycle
  • Built sample projects like basic online store app using React, RESTful API using Springboot and Cassandra, UX design phase
January — February 2020
  • Designed a circularly polarized slotted microstrip patch antenna in X-band for remote vehicle wireless data transfer using HFSS software
  • Observed the various antennas in use for applications in defense, radars, etc
  • Propsed our idea of using X-band as a further improvement of a reference paper



A web-based chat application created using ReactJS, Express, Node and Socket.io

Covid Tracker

COVID-19 Tracker to track the number of confirmed and recovered cases and deaths around the globe with guidelines and news.

To-Do App

A web-based Task Manager/To-Do application using ReactJS with ReactHooks.

Get Advice!

Simple app to fetch random advice from an API on the click of a button.


This project was developed to fulfill the requirements of a college contest.